"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life."

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, March 17, 2014


      Sorry, this week consisted of me lying on the couch with a 102 degree fever, so it was a rough week. I was on drugs and was in and out of a deep sleep, but on Sunday I actually started feeling a lot better.  I still was really weak and was wheezing when I breathed, so I decided not to push it and stayed in so that I could fully heal.  Fortunately, I feel ALOT better today. My nose is still stuffed up and my ears hurt, but I don't have a headache anymore!! It was just a really bad cold I think, because my stomach really didn't hurt at all!

     Yea, everyone here is freaking out about the lost Malaysia Airliner too. We usually fly Malaysia Air to the mission, but when we fly home, we fly Singapore Airline or Cathaway!  Everyone here thinks it's a terrorist, probably a Chinese terrorist. The Chinese political party ran against the government here and lost last year, so the Chinese party was ticked. This probably means trouble at the border for us missionaries, but--haha--it's okay if they send me to Singapore for the last three months of my mission, I would be okay with it!! Yep, 15 weeks left!! It is coming fast!

     Sorry, I didn't have a lot to talk about; I have been so sick lately, that not a lot has happened. We have been working with the less-active family that we found and are still trying to help the wife get passed some concerns and hopefully get them to come back to church.  Oh ya, one of the funniest experiences of my mission happened to me the other day!! So like I said before, every Tuesday we volunteer at a home where mentally disabled adults stay. It's the same adults every week, so they know us really well.  We do this game where they sit in a circle in chairs and we go around one by one and toss them a ball and they toss it back (once around the circle takes like five minutes a person.)  Then we roll them the ball and they are supposed to kick it to back to us.  All of these people are Chinese.  I have been learning Chinese from Elder Loke, so I rolled the ball to one of the people and when she went to pick it up, I said to her in Chinese, "Kick the ball!"  As soon as I spoke my terrible Chinese, they all stopped, looked up at me, and no joke, they all started cracking up and pointing at me. It's a pretty humbling experience to have ten mentally handicapped people laugh at how bad your Chinese is. I literally could not stop laughing!!!

     I love you so, so, so much mom and hope all is doing well. 

Elder Madsen

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