"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life."

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, March 24, 2014


      I opened my inbox and there were zero new messages!!! But, then you came through for me--you are the best!!!  Tomorrow is my 100th day left on the mission (who's counting though, right?)

      Speaking of the Book of Mormon, I am learning so many new things!! I have been using the Student Seminary Manual for the Book of Mormon and reading through it as I study.  I think this is the fourth or fifth time that I've read the Book of Mormon on my mission, but wow, reading it with the study guide is so much better!!  I can't wait to come home and have you be my companion for companion study every morning!  I am almost done with the New Testament.  I'm half way through the Book of Revelation, which can only mean one thing. . .I have to start the Old Testament. I feel like I am at my prime desire to really search and try to understand the scriptures, so I think I am prepared for it, haha!  That is sad about Kristen. I fasted for her yesterday; I hope that she can get clean. It really is amazing at the life some people choose to live.  To us it seems soooo simple, but I guess Satan is the master deceiver.

    This week was good. My companion is still in Singapore with health problems, so it's just us three out here--which means I am on their timetable--but we still get some time to work in my area. On Wednesday, we had a fireside and in Malaysia a fireside is exactly what is sounds like. They make a big fire and we all sit around it and have a lesson. It was very cool, one of those memories that I will never forget. We also have been working so hard with the less-active family that we found, but it is worrying me!! They are so great, but the wife is still scared to come back to church because she had some word of wisdom problems, even though we got the Branch President and his wife to go over there and talk to her!!  Yesterday, we went over and sat her down and shared Mosiah 23:21-22 with her.  We talked with her about how this life is a test and all we need to do is ENDURE.  If we can just endure, then we WILL be lifted up in the last day and that is such an amazing promise. We literally and figuratively will be lifted up in the last day if we are faithful; all we need to do is be patient through our trials and always repent.   One day we will all rest from all of our worries and live in a PERFECT life. We also talked about how Satan tells us that we are not worthy to read the scriptures, or pray, or go to church, BUT, we are always worthy no matter what!!  So, that seemed to help her. Hopefully, in two weeks she will come to church (next week we will be in KK for district conference.)

      We also went to go visit a member in the hospital who had brain surgery due to brain and lung cancer, and she was not doing well. It was heart breaking. . .I wanted to cry for this family (but, after two years of dealing with people dying, the tears don't come very often.) I also looked over and saw a little girl, holding a teddy bear, who had just gone through chemo and she was so skinny.   Her older brother was by her side holding her hand and talking and laughing with her.  It was a touching experience.  We gathered around our member and with her family said a group prayer (she had been blessed already.)  There was such a peaceful feeling in that room. Even in the midst of such sadness, the feeling of peace was so strong. The whole time we were there, she looked confused (she had trouble recognizing her family), but as we prayed, I looked up and she had her eyes closed for the prayer.  Plus as we left, she held her hand up for all the Elders to shake.  Tears ran down her face as we left.  It was way sad. We all just walked home in silence. I don't know how much longer she has, but how lucky we are to have the Atonement in our lives!!!

      Thanks mom for your AMAZING parenting in my life. I never realized how lucky I am to have two parents who are strong in their faith in Christ and strong members of the Church!! Love you tons!! 101 days!!! 

Elder Madsen

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