"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life."

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, February 10, 2014


     This week was okay.  Last Sunday we met a couple of good families, but when we went back to teach them yesterday you could tell that some one had told them about us.   Every single person just wanted to Bible bash--except without the Bible part.  This is how our conversations went:

 "If God gave us prophets in the olden times, do you think he would give us prophets now?"
"Why do you say that?"
"Because we don't need prophets, Christ was enough. It says so in the Bible"
Then I said, "Oh no way!  Where in the Bible does it say that?"
"I don’t know, but I know it’s in there!"
 I then replied, "Well if you say we don't need prophets, then that would mean we don't need the Bible right? Because prophets wrote the Bible?"

Then, they acted like they couldn't hear me. So, we spent a whole day listening to people yell at us.

     On a lighter note, we went to a Muslim wedding.  For an hour I knew what it felt like to be famous!!  Like no joke, I have had people ask for a picture with me before, but this was beyond that. People took at least 100 pictures of us--if not more. We would be sitting there eating our food and people would be sitting there taking pictures of us.  For 20 minutes we stood by the bride and groom and had pictures taken with them.  I was blind from all the flashes of the camera's going off!  It was a surreal experience!!

     We have been working a lot with the less active members and we had forty people came to church yesterday!! Usually, our attendance is in the upper 20's to low 30's so we were wayyy pumped about having so many people come out.  We are seeing some progress!!

     I forgot to tell you about our service that we do here. Every Tuesday we go to a place where older mentally handicapped people live and visit with them for thirty minutes.  We do the same routine every time.  As soon as they see us walk in the door, they know exactly what to do! First, they get all the chairs set up in a circle.  Then we pass the ball to each other and after that, we kick the ball to each other.  Then we dance and then we go for a walk! Honestly, those thirty minutes feel like three hours, but it is still a good experience!!

     How is school?? It seems like KC is getting hit with a lot of snow lately!! I love you mom and hope all is well!! 

Elder Madsen 

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