mission conference was wayyy good, Elder Wilson (of the Seventy) is amazing. He
loves basketball--just like me! The coolest thing was that he attended our zone
leader meeting!! He is a very interesting guy and he shared a lot of leadership
skills and techniques with us. He talked
to us in our meeting about the importance of trust. He told the story of how back in the day he was playing in the competitive Church
basketball league. One of the players on
his team would always find random amazing players to play on their team so that
they could win. One year he got Nate Thurman on their team!! (Thurman is a retired NBA player, and
at one point, an All Star—one of the best 10 players in the NBA ((This explanation was of course for Mike's own mother who has the sport IQ of a pea.)) So, Elder Wilson said he instantly thought that with Nate Thurman on their
team they would kill everyone. BUT, that season they did terrible
because Thurman would never trust anyone with the ball!! He said that all the
players on their team had played high school basketball and were pretty good,
but Thurman didn’t trust anyone and therefore would never pass the ball--so
they LOST!! It was a very cool story. Quite a predicament!
week has been very good actually; we’ve been really focusing on getting members
out to ALL lessons, whether they are less active members or investigators. We’ve
had a lot of success! We had 74 people
at church yesterday, the highest we’ve had in a looooong time! We got a LA
family to come to church that hasn't been in several years and another family
that hasn't been in a year! The Branch President was so pumped! He ran up to us and said, "YES, they are
finally coming, thanks Elders!!" It was the best feeling ever.
companion goes home on Wednesday, so that is pretty insane. We are now the
oldest group in the mission; it is wayy weird! I don’t have any friends anymore. I went to
zone conference and saw all these young missionaries and I didn’t know any of
them!! But, I still love life. Thanks for all the prayers!! Love you and miss
Elder Madsen
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