"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life."

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, April 28, 2014


I don't know--will Ginger make it?
     I know coming home is going to be an adjustment for me.  I have been trying really hard to lose all the bad habits I have picked up on my mission--like burping in public, eating with my hands, saying "can" for everything; so, hopefully when I get home I will be American again!  Mom, I feel so old now, I am almost 22...that is old.  Mom, I also feel very smart now--let me test your Doctrinal Knowledge that has NOTHING to do with our salvation, ready...What is the name of God in the pure language?? -Ahman. Does that not make me sound sooo smart?? Learned that in the D&C study guide!! Also, a common misconception is that the soul is the same thing as our Spirit but our soul is our spirit and body! Cool huh? How is your personal scripture study going??  Ginger better make it!! I can be Chris! I am pretty big now (thanks to the white rice) so, I can give her treats and take her for walks!!  Funny, the other week, we had a district meeting and the district leader wanted me to make a twelve week goal, so he asked me in front of everyone, "Elder Madsen what is your twelve week goal?"  The room was dead silent and all I did was laugh...I will be home in less than 12 weeks!!!!

     This week was good! We found this big Filipino kampung and taught a bunch of people there. I had one of those "wow, this is an amazing moment".  We had just gotten finished teaching several people in their shacks and here I was sitting in the middle of a village in the middle of nowhere eating "Bakso Soup" (a soup with noodles and meat balls and chicken) that only cost 2 RM (60 cents). I just had to laugh to myself! But, the important part was that the people were very receptive!  After teaching this one super nice old lady, she told us about another Christian part of the village. So, we traveled to that part of the village and asked the people there if they were Christian. They instantly said, "Nope, Muslim!" (which means we can't teach them.)  Then all of the sudden, this old lady came and scolded the whole group! She was like, "Don't you lie to these people!! They come here to share about Christ and you're too prideful to hear about Christ?? You should be ashamed of yourselves!" Then she turned and told us to go into their house and teach them!!  They were still not too friendly, but it was a good laugh!! We have been working closely with the branch too.  We are having a big missionary fireside next week for the branch to get them more involved! So, things here are going good!! But, yep...9 more weeks. The closer I get the more dreams that I have about home and it kills me!!!! But, I hope everything is still going good at home!! Love ya momma!! 
Elder Madsen

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